Friday, 16 December 2011

End of 2011, but not the end of the exchange

The year is almost up but in 2012 there will be a lot going on to do with the Kenya exchange!

Firstly, in January and February we are talking at various different places such as at all year group assemblies, the Abertay Rotary Club and St Stephen's Church. Lots of things to look forward to then. Also keep your eyes peeled for our article in the December edition of the school's newsletter.

Secondly, in August (it's only 8 months away now!) six Kenyans will be on their way to Scotland. More will be posted about the reciprocal visit closer to the time but I can reveal we will be taking them to the Edinburgh Tattoo before they come up to Dundee!

Have a great Christmas and New Year everyone.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

1st December 2011: World AIDS Day

Today is a day to support those suffering with the disease AIDS around the world. By wearing an AIDS ribbon and by donating you show you care about the people whose lives are threatened by the illness.

In Kenya 1.5 million people are currently living with HIV and every year 80,000 people die there due to AIDS. The charity Ripples International works with children and HIV positive adults. In Meru there is an orphanage, hospital and clinic dedicated to improving the lives of HIV affected people.

Today and tomorrow in Grove Academy we are asking you to show your support for AIDS orphans by buying one of the handmade AIDS ribbons. They were made by pupils at Meru School, and all proceeds will be donated to Ripples International. Thankyou.